Monday, 31 March 2014

A Pastel Dream

Oh for a kiss would my heart resign

Those pastel sketches I have dreamt
Those same dreams which filled my days
Told of a great love and romance kept
A gallery of portraits I have seen
Pictured my soul became revealed
I saw the beauty of which I desired
Inspired by a greater beauty to life
And all of this I have surveyed
The pastel landscape of a world imagined
Soft, softly drawn with tender care
The heart, the soul did bring to view
A passionate desire gentle in its nature
All of which created this picture
This pastel daydream I have dreamt
I would surrender it all, I would resign
To feel a kiss from her lips touch mine 

Matthew Holloway

Thursday, 27 March 2014


For teenagers friendships become everything, they need this to establish the seperation from their family nest.

They become separate and the sacred vibe , which surrounds their relationships hard to get through, as sometimes these friends don't always treat them right in return.
So not an easy subject to embark upon Florence from Pirouette found Doctor Ben Kim's approach a very good reference to start opening the subject on how to detect toxic behaviour.

1. Attempting to intimidate you by yelling or becoming violent in any manner (slamming a door is a violent act).
2. Consistently talking down at you, sending the message that he or she is just plain better than you.
3. Regularly telling you what he or she thinks is wrong with you.
4. Slandering others behind their backs i.e. trying to engage you in gossip that is hurtful to others.
5. Spending the bulk of your conversations complaining about his or her life and others.
6. Discouraging you from pursuing your interests and dreams when you are capable of doing so without hurting or burdening others.
7. Attempting to take advantage of your kindness and resources, and trying to make you feel guilty if you don’t do what he or she wants.

Stand up for yourself, don't take it personally as it is their issues not yours, be strong and believe in yourself !!!!!

Inspired by Pirouette BLOG !!!!!

Friday, 21 March 2014


We L O V E him ...
Ryon was born in Tokyo and is self taught by watching "Youtube Videos"
Yes where there is a will there is a way.....
Here some images of his work

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Art Collective- Winnicott Wednesday

A couple of weeks ago we had the pleasure to be invited to the private view of
Traces: the Unthought Known exhibition

Winnicott Wednesdays formed in 2010, when a group of artists training to become art psychotherapists at Goldsmiths University began to meet most weeks (usually on a Wednesday) to debrief on their personal and collective experiences of the course; to try to make sense of psychoanalysis and art; and to attempt to reconcile the ongoing, often conflicting nature of the dual roles of artist and art therapist. As we negotiated our quite often baffling emotional reactions and responses to the subject matter of the training. we began to form friendships... these regular meetings became known as ‘Winnicott Wednesdays’. The group is an open collective of like minded individuals working together to create art and continue our discourse.

Here some snaps we took…..

Fight or Flight - Helen Omand

Saudade-Deba Salim

Sasha Price


Tiger- Beth Hoyes

Monday, 3 March 2014


We came across Rebecca recently and want to share her story with you…

Rebecca is 30 and was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in June 2013.
She is calling out for help as she is embarking on her healing journey leaving behind conventional treatment and needs to raise the money for this.
You can read more about her here
Her beauty confidence and bravery struck us so please spread the word….

here her Facebook Page