Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Illustrator Sandra Dieckmann

Hackney based illustrator Sandra Dieckmann produces the most amazing work.
Her illustrations are so beautiful and evoke something I find difficult to put into words.
It's like dreams , encounters from deep within and memories of a forgotten world .

These prints are available from her online SHOP

There is also a video of Sandra painting our favourite FOREST here

Monday, 25 November 2013

Music-BCATC album launch

On friday we had the honour to be invited to "Black Casino and the Ghosts" album launch at the Finsbury Pub.
Supporting them were lovely "Bird to Beast" and Aretes.
The set was great, Elisa's voice stunning and the band rocked also special appearance  of Candy Says for backing on stage !!!
We can't stop listening to the new Album "Some dogs think they name is no" here the link to their Facebook Page  and Album

 Bird to Beast

Candy Says

We ♥ Fashion

Paris meets London welcome Meadham Kirchhoff.
The designer duo collaborated with Topshop on their latest kitschtastic Collection.
The concept is fantastic…a fictional girl band "The Cherrys"
5 band members : Cherry Blossom, Cherry Pikka , Cherry Cherie and Cherry Satanika.
Each girl has their look and you can shop accordingly…..

Here are our favourite picks

Friday, 15 November 2013


Recently we went to see these girls play at the Brixton Academy and we loved it.
Beautiful harmonies with haunting guitar nice deep bass and great drums.
Very trippy and great to dance to with your eyes closed……

here their website

Thursday, 14 November 2013

★Teenage Photographer★

Ivy is 13 and one of Chalk&Wild's teenage photographers.
She is  shooting our next story for us and we are super excited to have her on board.
Here are some examples of her photography

follow Ivy's BLOG here

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Welcome Maddy !!!

We are so excited to introduce you to our first "guest bloggeress" mademoiselle Maddy

Maddy will be sharing some of her super art with us

This one is about a dream I had when the sky was fire, all things on the land turned to soot in a matter of days. Only a small fairy and I survived on a small raft drifting to sea

Monday, 11 November 2013

Emma Tunbridge

We are thrilled of having photographer Emma Tunbridge featured on our webzine here a taster more here

Sunday, 10 November 2013


Conformity is the death of individuality…..Individuality equates to personality - Be the person that does not exist for others

Chalk and Wild 

Friday, 8 November 2013

TeEn CultUre

What are we thinking when we talk TEEN CULTURE?
Brightly coloured magazines with spotty boy bands on the front cover and cheap lipstick in the bag?
Or super styled skinny models in unaffordable clothes which will never come in a size 12 but only in 4-6?
No !!! We want some reality!! Moving away from the marketing gone wrong scene, creating something we can relate to….

We want you to embrace the wolves within you and smile at them 


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Maddy's Room

Name: Maddy
from Hackney-London

Maddy is wearing a Top Shop dress and tights, Dr.Martens and a wool cardigan from the local charity shop